Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Through the Eyes of a Child- Vision of Heaven

Through the Eyes of a Child
Vision of Heaven
The Most Beautiful Writing I Have ever Read- Renee

Below is quoted exactly as written by Eli Joshua Smith at
age 9 years old. It is my favorite writing ever. :

“ Here is something I made up to be a tiny
glimpse of heaven. A sky so blue you can
just touch it, grass so ripe and green and
soft its just like a bed when you lay down
in it, flowers so beautiful with colours of
all sorts, purple, pink, red and look so
pretty its as if their saying “smell me”.  
Trees bark so crisp and apples so juicy
red, blueberries that are already sweet,
juicy, and cold when you pick them,
ponds where you see the bottom if
its 30 feet deep, and you dont need to
worry of allagator’s or snakes and you
can go down all the way to the bottom
and still breath as if you were up out of
the water, aranges, bannanas, plums,
and you can just jump in the air and fly
away anywhere, and praise God for everything.
                                            ( EliJoshSmith) ”

Josh then- on the right below
( his brother Jacoby Tige on the left).

Josh now grown up (pic below) ,
graduated from Moody Bible Institute
in May 2018 & now serving
as a missionary in SouthEast Asia
& a teacher there.
Worldoutreach.org  -> Smith, Josh & Hillary


  1. I can't read this vision of Heaven enough! only through the eyes of a child can I get this clear vision, right??! Luv!!!

  2. PTL ...dwelling on Heaven together.
