Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 I am a collector of Biblical books on Heaven. As a mother of a daughter who was run over by an 80 year old driving 60mph who admitted limited vision and sent Beautiful Emily Renee Smith immediately to Heaven at age 18 I need the HOPE of God's Holy Word, The Bible, and am a student of any and every Book and sermon I can get on Heaven. Here is my summary, favorite parts, sneak peeks into some of my top favorite Books on Heaven.

As a visual learner I show you below the books and by showing you some top highlights I believe you get a peek into the book. Please leave me any comments, quotes or verses that you believe also help us stay focused on the goal of Heaven.  

"I press on toward the goal of Heavenward in Jesus Christ."-Phil.3:13 & 14.  

United praying until then- John 17: 15-22.                                 Love in Jesus-Renee

The Case for Heaven by Strobel interestingly has a whole chapter on near death experiences where people died and went to Heaven or Hell and accurately tell of what they saw. I have never put much trust into those stories but it is very interesting and his description of hell is tormenting, no where I wish anyone to go.   
" For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever BELIEVES in Him shall not die but have eternal life."-John 3:16. 
That's the way to Heaven, through the free gift of Jesus Who willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty for all our dark sins (sin is anything we think, say or do that is not pleasing to God). This free gift of eternal life in Heaven is gained by accepting Jesus into your heart and life through prayer. SO easy to get of the wide path to Hell and be on your way to Heaven! Once Forgiven our dark sins you grow closer to God by Reading your Bible, praying (direct communication with God), going to church and or Bible study, sharing the good news with others and Praising God!