Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Famous Artist Inspiration of Claude Monet for Personal Works of Art


Video Art Lesson used in K through 6th Grade 

Monet Water Lilies with a CatThe Real Monet

As an Artist and Art Teacher we know is it the state and world wide standard to use the Art of Various and Famous Artists to learn techniques and processes. My highschool students who attained Art College Scholarships had to show inspiration of a famous artist and culture in their portfolio as well.

I hope to share here some of my Art lessons, Video Art Lessons on Youtube as well as the Art of the World's Most Famous Artists to inspire us all.

I teach at a Christian School and my lessons have the BWV (Biblical World View) by showing a link to a Bible verse. However you can easily teach any of the lessons and leave that positive message out.

Here's the optional verse to go with the water lilies.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." ~ Isaiah 40:8


"King of Kings
and Lord of Lords."
-Revelation 19:16b
Renee Smith
Art & Drama Teacher
Lakeside Christian School
phone: (727) 461-3311 ex 337

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 I am a collector of Biblical books on Heaven. As a mother of a daughter who was run over by an 80 year old driving 60mph who admitted limited vision and sent Beautiful Emily Renee Smith immediately to Heaven at age 18 I need the HOPE of God's Holy Word, The Bible, and am a student of any and every Book and sermon I can get on Heaven. Here is my summary, favorite parts, sneak peeks into some of my top favorite Books on Heaven.

As a visual learner I show you below the books and by showing you some top highlights I believe you get a peek into the book. Please leave me any comments, quotes or verses that you believe also help us stay focused on the goal of Heaven.  

"I press on toward the goal of Heavenward in Jesus Christ."-Phil.3:13 & 14.  

United praying until then- John 17: 15-22.                                 Love in Jesus-Renee

The Case for Heaven by Strobel interestingly has a whole chapter on near death experiences where people died and went to Heaven or Hell and accurately tell of what they saw. I have never put much trust into those stories but it is very interesting and his description of hell is tormenting, no where I wish anyone to go.   
" For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever BELIEVES in Him shall not die but have eternal life."-John 3:16. 
That's the way to Heaven, through the free gift of Jesus Who willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty for all our dark sins (sin is anything we think, say or do that is not pleasing to God). This free gift of eternal life in Heaven is gained by accepting Jesus into your heart and life through prayer. SO easy to get of the wide path to Hell and be on your way to Heaven! Once Forgiven our dark sins you grow closer to God by Reading your Bible, praying (direct communication with God), going to church and or Bible study, sharing the good news with others and Praising God!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Bible verses about Realms.


Let's look Bible verse about other realms beside earth. My family is contributing and you can too by posting any verses you find on realms! Thanks team!
Here are my top two that came to mind right away:
1. John 18:36- " 36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
2. Ephesians 6:12  "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
3. Psalm 91:11 - "He shall give His angels charge over you to guard you in all your ways."
If God's angels are with us, guarding us in all our ways and we cannot see them then they are in an invisible realm here on earth. 
4. Ephesians 1:2 ..."HEAVENLY REALMS.."

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The True Test of our Minds Staying Focused

Contentment despite circumstances. Key verse as we battle negative thoughts is 2 Cor.10:5b, "Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ."

Work in progress here is all I can really say about contentment. It is a daily and ongoing battle of the mind to, “Take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:5b. I am a weak vessel in need of a Savior; grateful for Jesus and eternal life- that’s my HOPE. 

I need to remind myself constantly of that Bible truth as I battle horrible negative thoughts since my daughter Emily Renée Smith was run over by an 80 year old driving 60 mph and was sent to heaven at age18. She was a graduate of Hope International School in Asia and in her first year of Bible College with plans to come teach in Asia because she loved children. She came with me to New Hope for Orphans to volunteer while we lived there. We are missionaries and my husband Tiger, trains Nationals who are on our team (missionaries with WOM/WorldOutreachMinistries) and works with them to spread the gospel to those who have never heard the name of Yeasu/Jesus. 

   On the day Emily died, Tiger had just prayed, dedicating a rural village hut as a church to the Lord, when his phone rang. Our son Josh (also a Hope graduate) was calling from Moody Bible College in the USA telling Tiger that our daughter, his sister, Emily had just been run over by a car and was immediately sent to Heaven. 

I believe it was a Spiritual Battle and have prayed unceasingly for protection from the enemy (Jn.17:15 with Jesus for all believers) even more since that day. At the time my body broke down in shock and I couldn’t even sleep till I tried everyone’s advice and found singing praises aloud was the only thing that helped to press through my family's tragedy and, like Job, praise the Lord. As Attalia, Emily’s best friend  and younger sister says, “I will never not miss her and it hurts.” 

I cant NOT think of her every single day nor do I want to not think of her and keep her bright, funny memory alive. She brought so much joy and laughter to our family of seven (5 children, married right out of college in 1990). People who hear I am a breast cancer survivor (near death on chemo, baled) and then hear about Emily say, “Man a lot of bad things have happened to you. How do you keep a positive attitude” (my spiritual gift is encouragement as a teacher)? 

I have to give all credit to the Lord God Almighty as I am not only a prayer answered to be alive, but my strength comes from the Lord. I turn to Him constantly, praying for help as I know I am a hurting pup. I thank my students, you all, friends, really anyone who gives me HOPE from God’s Holy Word. This gives me peace that transcends understanding. I have to battle thoughts (being real here) of Emily laying bloody on the ground after being run over, and push my thoughts to a Bible verse along with prayer in the battle of the mind where sin starts. 

The Spiritual Realm is real and this should push me and us all to our knees to pray for one another for “protection from the enemy”-Jn.17:15. Thankfully, we’re on the winning side. Pressing on toward the “goal of Heavenward in Jesus Christ.”-Phil. 3:14.

Tiger my husband is still so hurt he won’t even let me hang up pictures of Emily, yet. He says she’d want us to keep going with the gospel as his call is to,”Bring as many people to Heaven with us as we can.” He is currently in Asia spreading the gospel with our national staff and our son Josh.  I live in the USA for the home base for our children to get through college. We appreciate prayers and know if our last day is tomorrow we get to reunite with Emily. I could go on and tell you of the Spiritual battle being real on the mission field in Asia, opposed to more hidden in the USA. For example, we battled a ten foot King Cobra close to our front door when we got home after many rural villagers came to Christ, but you get the picture. The battle is real for souls so we must do our part and press through our worst nightmares on this tough earth to get to the finish line. But we know we have the HOPE of Christ waiting for us when we do.

I’m ready, are you? Let’s pray for His strength to make it together. 

SO much Love in Jesus-Renée Smith

Wednesday, March 13, 2024


Our Story
Tiger & Renee Smith, Met at Stetson University 3-D Design Class, Wed June 2,1990 Daytona Beach & Honeymoon in Grand Canyon, Havasupai Falls.  Tiger is my soulmate! I am so blessed God has brought us together. To come to know the truth that Jesus Christ is Lord at the exact same time in different parts of the world ! Tiger in Colorado seeking to know Truth in all the different written books of the world but the Holy Bible being the one that spoke directly to him. Renee in Guatemala with a college course in Art when her roommate shared that Jesus Christ is Lord and showed her in the Bible, Renee wanted evidence, proof since this was the first time she heard this news and was an adult. It was high above the clouds on the twin peaked volcano in Guatemala that God gave Renee the evidence she needed that Jesus is Lord, Creator of the Universe and this did not happen by chance. As the sun was setting high above the clouds on the peak of a volcano in Antigua, the pink sunset was the evidence Renee needed, that this did not happen by chance, that God Created it and her and Jesus is Lord! Now she knows the Bible says: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the sky proclaims the work of His hands."-Psalm 19:1  Tiger and Renee were in love and both were excited to meet up in USA to tell each other the good news and unbeknownst to one another they met to find out they both came to know Christ as personal Savior at the exact same time in different parts of the world. It was then that God put on Tiger's heart to also ask Renee to marry him. He did so on a blindfold date at night. He gave Renee a piggy back ride to the beach and on one knee had a small fire lit and pointed to dig up in the sane a small giftbox with gold stripes and a gold ribbon. Renee dug it up and Tiger told her he wanted to be with her forever, would she marry him? She was still in college (one year engagement) so she was a bit shocked. He saw her shock and said you do not have to answer me right now. Renee looked up in the sky and saw a light up cross in the sky (from a nearby church) . It was then she knew right away to say , "Yes!" 

Golden Gate Seminary, Mill Valley, California was one of the many places we lived, moving there with our 5 homeschooled amazing children! We all enjoyed living in California, going to the Headlands and hiking the mountains where we lived  in student housing at Golden Gate Seminary (overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge). 

1990-2024 so far!

We always held out for a little greenspace for our children to run and play. We were blessed to live on 6 Acres of land in Madison, Fl. as we all enjoy nature and being in God's beautiful creation. Josh killed a rattlesnake there protecting Attalia and Jadon and kept the rattler in the freezer to prove it! 

Missionary Family with WOM. Praying as we strive to serve the Lord God Almighty and as Tiger says, "Bring as many as we can with on on our way to Heaven."
Our first church service after moving our family to SE Asia as a Missionary Family was to see one of our heroes Speak, Nick Vujicic from Life Without Limbs Ministry. He heard we were missionaries from California and met with us and prayed!
We "Press on toward the goal of HEAVENward in Jesus Christ."-Philippians 3:13 & 14. United praying John 17:15-22 for one another. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Artifact of Sermon Notes as a Visual Learner


As a visual learner my artifact is visual! It stays with me longer to see a visual with what I am learning. Hope the sketches on the sermon notes also help you dwell on the Biblical truths taught and what stood out to help me in the daily struggle. We are then ambassadors for Christ, to hold up truth , light and love in the world on the foundation of the Bible. 

As Christian educators we hold up the Biblical Worldview to our students.

This solid rock truth of the Bible tells us that we are created with a purpose,

God loves us and has good plans for our lives.

Within this BWV (Biblical Worldview)  foundation we can dive into God’s Word

to let our students know God loves them and cares for them. 1 Peter 5:7,

“Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you.”

That , my friend, is hope in this dark world ridden with trials.

We are loved and can show kindness to others, knowing God is right there with us to help us. 

John 13:34: A new commandment I give to you,

that you love one another:

just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

There’s a goal in,  “God loved us..” and that’s loving one another.

In this community is how we can reach the world

and train future leaders to make a difference.


Blessed to be a part of the team bringing hope❤️‍🩹🕊🙏🏽

Youtube “short” title.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

 Battling a King Cobra in Cambodia

True Story

Tiger, my husband, and had just biked back from the slum (slick huts no clean water, in need of shoes and rice village) after feeling used by God to spread His love and provisions among the poor. This very day at sunset the lighting was getting dim and we heard our two dogs (yellow labrador and boston terrier) growling and barking near the front door of our home (about 3 feet from our open front door). My five children and parents were on high alert from the snarling our kind hearted dogs rarely exhibited. I could see our children coming down the stairs as we all ran toward the front door then stood for a frozen moment in time in shock at what met us at our front door. 

The sun was setting in that split second on another hot Cambodian night as my children, Tiger and I stared out our open front door to see why our two dogs were growling so close to our house. To all our shock we saw a huge (later measured at ten foot) King Cobra ,hood up, poised to bite, striking at our dogs. Our beloved yellow labrador Daisy and Boston Terrier Mango cornered the snake three feet from our open front door! My stomach dropped ,my heart raced as I envisioned having to kill the cobra in order to save the lives of my children in case it slithered into the house another day. For we all knew it must live in our yard now that it is trying to strike to inject the deadly venom so close to the entrance of our home and the cobra is known as an aggressive species.

Our family sprang into action as a team like we were well trained soldiers preparing for a battle. 

My two girls, Emily and Attalia, held back Daisy and Mango to save them from the death bite of the neurotoxins from the king cobra actively trying to bite them as our dogs barked and growled at an attempt to continue to protect our family from this danger at our doorstep! 

My muscular husband, TIger, told me to grad a bedsheet so he could toss it on the cobra. We threw shovels, hoes and other metal items at the cobra trying to bite us but it continued to slither toward my family now circled around the snake with the dogs trying to kill it as a team. I was screaming at this point as TIger wore sunglasses in case it was a spitting cobra. Tiger yelled out, “Which way is the head facing!” I stood on an outdoor table yelling which way the head was trying to strike as the cobra coiled then attempted to strike him in an active battle to kill this evil snake. We made sure the kids were back far enough to not be in striking distance as I yelled,”Get back! Get back!”. With the dogs still growling Tiger yelled for our son Jadon to hand him the hose and turn in on high. He sprayed the snake who charged directly at Tiger right through the stream of water ready to kill!  I sprinted up to the bedroom to grab our bedsheet off the bed  and ran down to hand it to Tiger. The sheet was thrown on top of the cobra but gave Tiger little time as it wiggled out from under it with ease unlike what the snake hunter shows depict. My stomach dropped as the battle continued as the cobra remained coiled, hood up, ready to strike.

After the tools, water spray and bed sheet were compromised as ineffective weapons Tiger was pumped with adrenaline, gaining extra strength for his next battle maneuver.  Tiger got strength to pick up and toss on the snake a potted tree pot. He lifted this large heavy pot tossing it on toward the cobra. The ceramic pot cracked and the cobra emerged more slowly than any of the other tactical moves to defeat this evil snake attacker. This potted tree was the only thing that kept the cobra down for a short time before coming at us again. The second and our final potted tree by our front stoop Tiger then lifted and threw on the snake, pinning his head down long enough for our brave high school daughter Emily Renee to dive in with the hedge clippers and cut the wiggling body of the cobra.

At this time we noticed Khmer (Cambodian) neighbors standing at our locked metal barred gate watching us crazy Americans battling the cobra. The whole neighborhood was lined up watching us through our front gate. We were so focused on the battle which could have ended in death if the correct antivenom was not found or given in time that we never looked over to see how long they were there. 

 We opened the gate to see a Khmer man with nothing but a sarong wrapped around his waist 

(we are always hot and sweaty there) and a hoe in his hand asking us if he can have the snake for meat for his family.  He chopped off and buried the head (venom dripping from the fangs can still kill after the head is removed) and took the 10 foot King Cobra body home to cook for protein for his family. Our boston terrier, Mango, had venom hissed into her eye trying to protect us and her eye was hugely swollen and red and the vet doubted she would live. She did live which was a prayer answered at that time.

Photos taken by Jadon Smith are from too far as the snake is coiled, striking with hood up, but you can see the Hood of the cobra (fuzzy) if you look closely.

Below is my PreviousBattling a King Cobra in Asia Blog account including photos.

Battling a King Cobra in Cambodia

True Story

Tiger, my husband, and I biked back from the slum (slick huts no clean water, in need of shoes and rice village) after feeling used by God to spread His love and provisions among the poor. This very day at sunset the lighting was getting dim and we heard our two dogs (yellow labrador and boston terrier) growling and barking near the front door of our home (about 3 feet from our open front door). We ran out to see a King Cobra with a hood flared trying to strike our dogs.

Our children Emily, Attalia and Jadon held the dogs back from getting bit as we circled the cobra knowing we had to kill it or be killed by the toxic venom.

Tiger did not know if it was a spitting cobra since there are over 40 species of poisonous snakes in Cambodia so he had on his sunglasses as he yelled out, "Which way is the head facing! ". He told me to get a sheet so I ran and got off our bed and Tiger threw it on the cobra. The cobra quickly found a way out and was coiled striking towards Tiger again. At this point I was standing on an outdoor table yelling which way the head was facing as the kids held back the dogs and we threw a shovel and hoe towards the snake. Tiger then tried to spray it with water and the cobra came right at him through the water. Then Tiger got strength to pick up and toss on the snake a potted tree pot. This was the only thing that kept the cobra down for a short time before coming at us again. This second potted tree Tiger threw on the snake kept his head down long enough for our daughter Emily Renee to dive in with the hedge clippers and cut the body of the cobra.

At this time we noticed Khmer neighbors standing at our locked metal barred gate watching us crazy Americans battling the cobra. We opened the gate to see a Khmer man with nothing but a sarong wrapped around his waist ( we are always hot and sweaty there) and a hoe in his hand asking us if he can have the snake for meat for his family.  He chopped off and buried the head (venom dripping from the fangs can still kill after the head is removed) and took the 10 foot King Cobra body home to cook for protein for his family. Our boston terrier, Mango, had venom hissed into her eye trying to protect us and her eye was hugely swollen and red and the vet doubted she would live. She did live which was a prayer answered at that time.

Photos taken by Jadon Smith are from too far as the snake is coiled, striking with hood up, but you can see the Hood of the cobra (fuzzy) if you look closely.

Let's keep one another in prayer for ," Protection from the enemy."-Jesus words in His prayer for us in John 17:15

I believe this was the result of the Spiritual battle as there are angels and demons battling and we are on the winning side with victory through Jesus resurrection from the dead.


Above YouTube video link of the slum as I am with the children we minister to there to get a feel of the third world country of Cambodia in the continent of Asia.